Body Type (-100) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: 0, 0, 30
Shoulder: 100, 100, 0
Abdomen: -35, 4, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 60, 14, 0
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: d
Feet: d
Body Height – 6’8’’
Head Morphing
Head: d
Forehead: d
Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -42, 7, 0, 100
Eyes: 0, -4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36
Nose: -75, 29, -20, -40, 40, 13, 32, 56
Cheeks: d
Mouth: 100, -5, 0, -15, -60, -55, -100
Jaw: 0, 100, 20, 39, 100, 11
Ears: d
1. Skin tone 12. [-100y -32s 100sp]
2. Eye 9. [-100y -12s]
3. Eyebrows 15. [-100y 0s]
4. Lips 1. [-100y -29s]
5. Hair 14.
6. Underwear 5. [-100x 100y -36s]
7. Wristbands 1. [-100x 100y -45s 25L]
8. Shoes 1. [-100x 100y 18s]
9. Socks 1. [-100x 100y -60s 62L]
10. Kneepads 15. [72x 100y 100s]
11. Move the Socks over the Kneepads.
12. Top 3. Skin tight, untucked. [72x 100y 100s 0L]
13. Top 5. Skin tight, untucked. [-100x 100y -7s 14L]
Remember the following colours:
[C Yellow] = [72x 100y 60s]
[C Grey] = [-100y]
[B Yellow] = [72x 100y 40s]
[B Red] = [-100x 100y]
14. Torso symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Move it to his neck as high possible without it appearing on his thighs. [C Yellow]
15. Back symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Move it to his neck as high as possible without it appearing on his thighs. [C Yellow]
16. Torso symbol 104. V-scale up twice. Join it to the yellow rectangle. [C Yellow]
17. Torso symbol 104. V-scale up twice and rotate. Move it to join the yellow mass, forming a big triangle. [C Yellow]
18. Torso symbol 103. V-scale up once. Move it down below the imaginary line made by the top of his wristbands.
19. Repeat steps 16 to 18 for his back. [C Yellow]
20. Torso symbol 104. H-scale down once and V-scale up twice. Move it to his left armpit (your right). Make sure that the red on his chest is in-line with the red on the shoulder. [C Grey]
21. Torso symbol 104. H-scale down once, V-scale up once and rotate. Move it to his left armpit. [C Grey]
22. Torso symbol 103. Max scale. [C Grey] Use 4 of these to turn his sides grey. If you place the symbols nearer his back, they will angle nicely to his body shape. Also note that you do not need to worry about aligning the bottom side of these 4 symbols as the belt will cover them.
23. Torso symbol 103. (8 symbols). Rotate and H-scale up once. Use as many of these to form a yellow belt around his waist, I used 6-8 of these. [B Yellow] Note that this is a darker shade of yellow to give the belt contrast.
24. Torso symbol 103. Rotate and H-scale down once. Move it into the middle of the belt to form a buckle. [B Red]
25. Torso symbol 103. (6 symbols). Rotate, H-scale up once and V-scale down once. Move it into the horizontal middle of the belt, outside of the belt buckle to form a thick red line within the belt. You will need 5 to 6 of these symbols. [B Red]
26. Now to draw the X logo in his belt buckle. Basically you will only use Torso Lettering, Alphabet 14/18, “I” and “X”. For your convenience, I will refer to the different sides of the belt buckle as North, East etc. These are all [Black]
27. North and South. (4 Letters total) Use 2 of “I” to form either border. Rotate, H-scale up and V-scale up once.
28. East and West. (2 Letters total). Use “I” to form either border. H-scale and V-scale up once.
29. For the X logo, use “X”. Max scale and if doesn’t fit… You’re on your own cause’ I can’t remember. It is one H-scale or V-scale off max if I remember correctly, and you might have to rotate it.
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