Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Body Type (-30) – Advanced options
Neck: -100, -10, 0
Chest: 15, 0, 30
Shoulder: 100, 100, 0
Abdomen: -50, 14, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 20, 20, 0
Hands: 50, 50, 50
Legs: 0, -15, 0
Feet: 0, 40, 100

Body Height – 6’2’’

Head Morphing
Head: -10, 10, -25
Forehead: -100, -100, 100, 5

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: 60, -100, -100, 100
Eyes: -30, -100, -62, -55, 33, 0, 100
Nose: -100, 100, -100, -100, 100, -25, 0, 100
Cheeks: 15, 100, 0, 0
Mouth: 100, -45, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100
Jaw: -100, 5, -30, 10, 100, -20
Ears: -100, 70, -100, -100

1. Hair 2
2. Skin tone 1. [-100x 100y -15s 100sp]
3. Underwear 1. [-100x 100y 40s]
4. Mask 21. [-100x 100y -10s]
5. Top 3. Skintight, tucked. [-100s 30L]
6. Top 3. Skintight, tucked. [-100x 100y -5s 0L]
7. Torso Accessory 11. [-100x 100y 2s]
8. Torso Accessory 6. [-100y 8s]
9. Move body Accessory 11 below the tops.
10. The next 18 layers will be Torso symbol 103, max scaled and [shade -100].
11. Torso symbol 103, max scaled. Place it as high up as possible on his left pec and side, move it up high enough so that it starts to come out from the bottom. There should be a 1cm gap between this symbol and Torso Accessory 6.
12. Torso symbol 103, max scaled. Move it below and in line with the previous symbol.
13. Torso symbol 103, max scaled. Move it below and in line with previous symbol.

You will see that you need 3 symbols to cover the length of his torso and thigh. Remember to change the shade to [-100].

14. Repeat steps 11 to 14 on his right side.
15. Back symbol 103, max scaled. Place it as high as possible and in-line with the black symbol 103 on the front.
16. Back symbol 103, max scaled. Place it below and in line with the previous symbol.
17. Back symbol 103, max scaled. Place it below and in line with the previous symbol.
18. Repeat steps 15 to 16 for the other side of his back.
19. The remaining 6 Torso symbol 103’s, max scaled are place on his sides to fill in the red gaps, 3 on either side. [-100s]
20. Move Torso Accessory 6 to the front.
21. Torso symbol 103, H-scale and V-scale down once. Move it to his left pec so that half of it rests on his pec without touching Torso Accesory 6. [-100s]
22. Repeat step 21 for his right pec.
23. Wristbands 1. [-100s 8L]
24. Wrestling attire 13. [-100s]
25. Wrestling tights 100[-100x 100y -22s 90L]
26. Belts 1. [90x 35y 10s]
27. Torso symbol 97. Rotate and H-scale down once. Move it into the middle of the belt to form the buckle. [-100s]
28. Torso Lettering, Alphabet 10/18, Full-stop. Max scale and place it in the central left area of the belt buckle. [White]
29. Torso Lettering, Alphabet 10/18, Full-stop. Max scale and place it in the central right area of the belt buckle. [White]
30. Face paint 79. [-100s]
31. Head Symbol 98. V-scale up twice. Move it to the top of his left eye (your right). Place it in line with the face paint. [-100s]
32. Head symbol 8. V-scale up twice and H-scale down once. Rotate and move it down below his left eye (your right), in line with the black face paint. [-100s]
33. Head symbol 97. Max scaled. Move it to the top of his left eye (your right). [-100s]
34. Head symbol 97. Max scaled. Move it to the bottom of his left eye (your right). [-100s]
35. If there are gaps or kinks, fill them up of smooth them out with Head symbol 97. [-100s]
36. Repeat steps 31 to 35 for his right eye.
37. Torso symbol 95. Max H-scale and smallest V-scale. Place it in the middle of the belt buckle. [90x -60y -15s]
38. Left arm symbol 103. V-scale down once and move it onto his hand. [-100s]
39. Right arm symbol 103. V-scale down once and move it onto his hand. [-100s]
40. Left leg symbol 103. V-scale down and H-scale down once. Move it onto his toes. [-100s]
41. Right leg symbol 103. V-scale down and H-scale down once. Move it onto his toes. [-100s]

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