Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ninja Gaiden 2 - Tips and tricks for the Master Ninja

1. Falcon Talons [Level 3]

- All humanoid enemies [Flying Swallow > Izuna drop]

- Werewolves, Purple fiends, Golden fiends, Red Dragon fiends [Direction+Y attack cuts off limbs very readily, leaving enemies open to OTs]

- Normal Bats, Ghost Fish [XXX attack is quick enough to deal with them]

- Genshin [Direction+X XXXX causes him to flinch]

- Zedonius form 1 [XXYY worked fairly well on him]

- Alexei [Flying Swallow + Y upon landing worked well]

- Volf [Flying Swallow, Direction+X if you land behind him after FS]

2. Dragon Sword [Level 2]

- Red Serpents, Grey Serpents, Dogs, Bat fiends [Flying Swallow]

3. Eclipse Scythe [Level 3]

- Centaurs, Spider fiends, Zedonius 2, Elizabet 1 & 2, Dagra Dai, Archfiend Reborn [Jump + XXYYY]- 4 Legged Pink Crab fiend [3 double charged UT's]

- Mech fiends [1 double charged UT > OT]

- Red fish [UT]

4. Kasuri-Gama

- Skeleton bugs, Pill bugs, Ghost bugs [UT]

5. Incendiary Shurikens

- Ranged enemies- Skull worms in acid room [Flying bird flip allows you to throw 2 at a time]

- Bugs

- Red Serpents, Grey Serpents

- Black dragon/bat fiends

- Fiends [Takes off limbs]

- Armadilos [Aim for their head]

6. Bow [Autoaim is essential]

- Ranged enemies

- Black dragon/bat fiends [Jump and shoot, it takes 3 shots, 1 double charged shot or 1 charged shot and 1 normal shot. Kill a few and use the essence to chain ET them]

- Chapter 9 Skull Worm boss [Stay in a side a cave and hit it with charged bow shots]

- Chapter 5 Water Dragon boss [Stay on the extreme left or right of the platform so that you have room to avoid the water attack by dashing to the other end. If he shoots those white needles, jump and press X with the Falcon Talons to avoid damage or just block to take alittle damage]

- Archfiend phase 1- Gray flying mechs in Chapter 9

7. Gatling Spear Gun

- Jelly fish

- Red Serpents, Grey Serpents

- Gray flying mechs in Chapter 9 [If you are low on health, go underwater and let the gun auto aim, this takes very long but you are 100% immune to any damage]

- Red fish

8. Art of the Piercing Void

- Line up a row of enemies and this is normally an instant kill

- Chapter 10 stairs

- 3 hits kills Spider fiends

- Useful in Chapter 13 against enemies in a straight, narrow room

- Dragon/bat Boss of chapter 9 takes alot of damage from this

9. Art of the Phoenix

- Stuns enemies

- Causes some damage in boss fights

- Protects against the blue skulls in Archfiend phase 1

10. Art of the Windblades

- Crowd control

- Useful in the Chapter 11 "epic" battle with alot of ninjas and 6 Spider fiends

11. Invincibility Frames [Use to avoid Incendiary Shuriken Damage]

- Furious wind

- Jumping on enemies heads-

Flying Swallow- Izuna Drop

- Falcon Talons [Direction+Y]

- Guilotiline throw

- OT

- UT

- ET

- Dash

12. Lives of the Thousand Gods

- Save them for Chapter 11, don't save 4 of them for Chapter 14 and struggle with a short life bar. I use all of my LOTTG on Chapter 11 because the later Chapters are much easier

- Use as full heals

13. Spirit of the Devils

- Save the 2nd one for the Chapter 11 "epic" fight

14. Save Points

- Save after every 1 or 2 encounters if you did not waste too much resources and have at least 3/5 HP

- Running from battles and saving before it disappears makes certain enemies disappear (You have to reload sometimes to make enemies disappear)

15. Running

- Know when to run because some fights are not worth your resources

16. Cutscenes

- Triggering cutscenes makes enemies disappear

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lost Odyssey - Quick Guide to defeating Professor K in 3 to 4 Turns

This is a video of my level 8x party taking on Professor K in the 400ms Point DLC, Seeker of the Deep. At 108800 HP, this guy may seem like a pushover, but one bad choice, coupled with Professor K's resistance, defence and reflect will have your party sprawled on the floor in no time.

This punishing dungeon has no save points and you'll spend at least 30 minutes turn tailing your way back to get another shot at the little fella.He may be harder than The Immortal One if you do not know what you're doing and get your party wiped out by Annihilation.

Most people that beat him used the new DLC items like Accelerator (Reduce casting time 3) or Rose Quartz (Turn Cast).These items are obtained from mini bosses you encounter in Random fights along the last 9 levels (16B to 24B). However, some people claim to never get these items (rare drop) even after 5 hours.

In this video, I will provide rough details on how to defeat Professor K in 3 Turns.

Minimum Requirements:
Level 80+ Immortals (At least 8000 HP)
The following skills:
HP Boosting skills
Crisis Defence
Complete Defence
Level 8 White Magic
Level 8 Spirit Magic
Lucky 0 Magic Damage
Nullify all elements
Double Cast
Reduce Casting time 2
Mental Stability 2
Weapon Guard 2
Slot +5/Slot +10

Before the fight, get your Immortals' HP down to 1 to 1000. You can do this by fighting Hellish Kelolons (Black Kelolons in 24B). Note that this must be done by 24B as there are no more random encounters after 24B. Attack these Kelolons normally and they will perform counters, usually taking your characters to near death. Use Complete Defence to keep low health characters alive and Turn Tail when all Immortals have yellow Hp.Health Sed to full health and put him in the front row (so he will tank the few Forceus that Professor K casts) and the Immortals in the back row.

Equip Sed with the Curse Crest, Holy Guard and Quad-Element Seal.Once the battle starts, just keep casting Reversa and hope for the best. If you're unlucky, Professor K will cast Reflect on his 2nd turn, meaning that your party will suffer 4 reflected Reversas hitting for about 40000 each. This is where Persistence pays off, if you have 2 HP or 860 HP, a 40000 reflected Reversa will only whack your HP down to 1. I took a big risk by taking 3 of my Immortals with 1 HP into the battle.

In total, I have faced Professor K 6 times. In the 4 times I failed against him it was always because my party or the majority of the party got wiped out. Sure you can use divide and complete defense but that means that your party can last only so many turns. Because Professor K always has Regenerus and Annihilation at his disposal, you will never be able to cover the 20400 HP he heals while ressurecting your party members who fall to Annihilation. This is definitely not a fight you can win if you play defensively and stretch it out.


Body Type (-25) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: d
Shoulder: 0, 70, 0
Abdomen: d
Waist: d
Arm: 20, 20, 0
Hands: 50, 50, 50
Legs: d
Feet: d

Body Height – 6’1’’

Head Morphing
Head: -40, 70, -4
Forehead: 100, -100, 100, 0

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -57, 100, -100, 100
Eyes: 100, 100, -15, -22, 0, 100, 100
Nose: -100, 97, -100, -100, -100, -100, 17, 100
Cheeks: 100, -100, -100, 24
Mouth: 100, -100, 100, -72, 100, 100, -100
Jaw:-100, 15, -38, 53, 100, 0
Ears: -100, 0, 0, -100

Pay attention to the x and y values for this particular caw. A fair share of his layers have x at default.

1. Hair 2.
2. Skin tone 1. [-100y -25s 100sp]
3. Mask 20. [-100y -19s]
4. Horns 15. [-100y -19s]
5. Mask design 39. [-100y -14s]
6. Face paint 63. [-100y 2s]
7. Face paint 51. [-100y -4s]
8. Face paint 83. [-100y 6s]
9. Make-up 19. [-7x 100y 100s]
10. Make-up 4. [-7x 100y 36s]
11. Gloves 2. [87x -46y 23s]
12. Torso accessory 7. [-100y 25s]
13. Torso accessory 12. [-100y -29s]
14. Torso accessory 13. [-100y -12s]
15. Shoes 1. [-100s]
16. Wrestling tights 1. [-100s]
17. Tops 7. Open, tucked. [72x -10y 55s]
18. Right arm symbol 103. (8 symbols). Max scaled. Use 8 of these to turn the entire sleeve black. Leave the cuffs of the sleeve yellow. [-100s]
19. Left arm symbol 103. (8 symbols). Repeat the 8 symbols on this arm. [-100s]
20. Belts 10. [72x 100y -10s]
21. Torso symbol 92. (4 symbols). Max scaled and rotated. Move it in line with the black from his sleeves, forming a big yellow X. [-100s] Repeat for the other side of his torso.
22. Repeat the previous step for his back. [-100s]
23. Left arm lettering. (Alphabet 14/18). “o”. H-scale and V-scale up once. Move it to his bicep. [72x 10s]
24. Left arm lettering. (Alphabet 14/18). “x”. Move it to his bicep, into the o. [72x 10s]
25. Repeat steps 23 and 24 for his right arm.
26. Torso symbol 123. Rotate and smallest size. Move it to the middle of his belt. [-100s]
27. Torso lettering. (Alphabet 14/18). “o”. Rotate, H-scale and V-scale up once. Move it to his belt buckle. [72x 10s]
28. Torso lettering. (Alphabet 14/18). “x”. H-scale up once. Move it to his belt buckle. [72x 10s]
29. Left leg symbol 102. V-scale down once and H-scale up once. Move it to the top of his boot. [72x 10s]
30. Right leg symbol 102. V-scale down once and H-scale up once. Move it to the top of his boot. [72x 10s]


Body Type (-12) – Advanced options
Neck: -100, 65, 100
Chest: 20, 20, 20
Shoulder: 100, 100, 100
Abdomen: -28, 15, 8
Waist: 45, 0
Arms: 70, 40, 40
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: -25, 10, 15
Feet: d

Body Height – 5’5’’

Head Morphing
Head: -25, 0, 0
Forehead: 100, -100, 100, -100

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: 0, 0, 0, 44
Eyes: -40, 0, 0, -70, 0, 0, 62
Nose: 19, 84, -54, 0, -9, 25, 20, -15
Cheeks: 19, -100, 10, 8
Mouth: -18, -15, -60, -30, -70, -100, -100.
Jaw: 64, 20, 40, 25, 100, 50
Ears: 100, 0, -100, 0

1. Wrestling attire 13. [74x 100y 10s]
2. Tops 3. Skin tight, untucked. [-25x -35y -30s 25L]
3. Tops 3. Skin tight, untucked. [74x 100y 100s 8L]
4. Underwear 4. [-25x -35y -40s]
5. Belt 10. [-100x 100y]
6. Torso Lettering: Alphabet 1/18. Capital X. V-scale down once. Move it into the middle of his belt. [-100s]
7. Gloves 4. [-25x -35y -30s]
8. Shoes 7. [-25x -38y -40s]
9. Hair 2
10. Torso symbol 92. Rotate, V-scale down once, H-scale up once. Move it to the stripe to his right ribcage (your left), refer to picture. [Black]
11. Torso symbol 92. Rotate, V-scale down once, H-scale up once. Move it to the stripe to his left ribcage (your right), refer to picture. [Black]
12. Left ribcage stripe 2. Torso symbol 92. Rotate, V-scale down once. [Black]
13. Left ribcage stripe 3. Torso symbol 92. Rotate, V-scale down once. [Black]
14. Right ribcage stripe 2.Torso symbol 92. Rotate, V-scale down once. [Black]
15. Right ribcage stripe 3. Torso symbol 92. Rotate, V-scale down once. Black]
16. Torso Symbol 103. H-scale down twice. Move it in between his head and left arm. Move it as high as possible, you will know you have pushed it too high up when it starts to appear on his thigh. [Black]
17. Torso Symbol 103. H-scale down twice. Move it in between his head and right arm. [Black]
18. Back Symbol 103. H-scale down twice. Move it in between his head and left arm. Joining the one in front. [Black]
19. Back Symbol 103. H-scale down twice. Move it in between his head and right arm. Joining the one in front.
20. Torso Symbol 92. H-scale down twice. Move it into the black rectangle on his left breast. [Black]
21. Torso Symbol 92. H-scale down twice. Move it into the black rectangle on his left breast. [Black]
22. Back Symbol 92. H-scale down twice. Move it into the black rectangle on his left back. [Black]
23. Back Symbol 92. H-scale down twice. Move it into the black rectangle on his right back. [Black]
24. Body hair (Arm hair) 4.
25. Mask 17. [74x 100y 11s]
26. Mask 21. [74x 100y 11s]
27. Face Paint 56. [87x 46y]
28. Facial hair (Sideburns). 16. [-100y -15s 50a]
29. Facial hair (Template). 7. [-100y -15s 20a]
30. Horns 11. [-25x 29y -35s]
31. Face paint 79. [-25x 60y 45s]
32. Head symbol 103. Rotate and max scale. [74x -4y 62s]. Use 3 of these symbols to cover the “skin” above the blue facepaint surrounding his eyes.
33. Move these 3 head symbols so that it goes before facepaint 79.

Now remember this colour [-25x -35y 10s], I will refer to it as [W. blue]

34. Head symbol 104. Max scale. Move it in line with the right horn and the face paint, it should fit perfectly. [W. Blue]
35. Head symbol 104. Max scale. Rotate and move it in line with the left horn. [W. Blue]
36. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it to his left temple. Move it so that it connects to symbol 104. It should just cover his left ear. [W. Blue]
37. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it to his right temple. Move it so that it connects to symbol 104. It should just cover his right ear. [W. Blue]
38. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it to his left cheek, place it in line with the blue mass. It should cover his cheek up to his jaw. [W. Blue]
39. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it to his lower right cheek. [W. Blue]
40. Head symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Move it over his left cheek bone and bridge of his nose. Make sure there are no gaps. [W. Blue]
41. Head symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Move it over his right cheek bone and nose. [W. Blue]
42. If there are any more gaps, fill them with [W. Blue] symbol 103’s.
43. Head symbol 103. V-scale up once and H-scale down once. Move it onto the bridge of his nose. [74x -4y 62s]


Body Type (-100) – Advanced options
Neck: -100, 100, 100
Chest: 10, 10, 45
Shoulder: 100, 100, 35
Abdomen: 40, 35, 0
Waist: 25, 25
Arm: 100, 20, 20
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: -30, -15, 34
Feet: 0, 11, 100

Skin tone – 1 [Shade -100]

Body Height – 6’2’’

Head Morphing
Head: 100, 50, -20
Forehead: 0, 0, 0, 0

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -100, 100, -100, 100
Eyes: All 100
Nose: -100, 100, 100, -100, 100, 100, 100, -100
Cheeks: 0, 0, 0, 0
Mouth: -100, -100, -15, 0, -100, -100, 100
Jaw: 100, -40, 9, 100, 100, 100
Ears: 100, 54, -100, -100

1. Hair 2
2. Mask 21. [-100s]
3. Mask design 39. [-100s]
4. Mask design 48.
5. Face paint 97. [-100s]
6. Face Paint 107. [-100s]
7. Head symbol 98. H-scale and V-scale up once and move it over the left side of his mouth (your right). [-100s]
8. Head symbol 98. H-scale, V-scale up once and rotate. Move it over the right side of his mouth (your left). [-100s]
9. Head symbol 97. Max scale and move it down to the middle top portion of his mouth. [-100s]
10. Head symbol 103. Any size. Use 3 of these to cover all red-pink face paint, excluding the mouth. [-100s]
11. Make up 1. Biggest style. [-100y 100s]
12. Face paint 79. [-100y 100s]

For all of the remaining head symbols, use [-100y 60s].
13. Head symbol 98. H-scale down once and V-scale up twice. Move it into his right eye (your left). Angle it inwards at the outer end of his right eye.
14. Head symbol 98. H-scale down once, V-scale up twice and rotate. Move it into his left eye (your right).
15. Head symbol 98. H-scale down twice and V-scale up once. Move it into his right eye (your left), place it at the nose-end of his eye.
16. Head symbol 98. H-scale down twice, V-scale up once and rotate. Move it into his left eye (your right).
17. Head symbol 98. H-scale down once and V-scale up once. Move it into his left eye (your right). Place it in between the 2 symbols there to give his eye more volume and shape.
18. Head symbol 98. H-scale down once, V-scale up once and rotate. Move it into his right eye (your left).
19. Right hand symbol 103. V-scale down once and move it onto his backhand. [White]
20. Left hand symbol 103. V-scale down once and move it onto his backhand. [White]
21. Torso symbol 97. Place it in the middle of his chest, centered on his sternum. [White]
22. Torso symbol 103. V-scale and H-scale down once. Move it to the top of symbol 97 to form the spider’s mouth. [-100s]
23. Torso symbol 97. H-scale up once and V-scale up once. Move it below, but intersecting the smaller symbol 97. This forms the left half of the spider’s thorax.
24. Torso symbol 97. H-scale up once and V-scale up once. Move it below, but intersecting the smaller symbol 97. This forms the right half of the spider’s thorax.
25. Torso symbol 103. V-scale down once and move it down to the bottom of the spider’s thorax. [-100s]

I will describe how to make 1 side of 4 of the spider’s legs. You will have to repeat steps 26 to 33, remembering to rotate the correct symbols (all except symbol 99). Use [White] for all.
26. Torso symbol 100. V-scale down once. Move it to the left pec (your right), place it at a 90 degrees angle with the spider’s fang. {Spider leg 1}
27. Torso symbol 100. V-scale down once. Rotate connect it to the previous symbol. {Spider leg 1}
28. Torso symbol 100. V-scale down once. Place it below leg 1. {Spider leg 2}
29. Torso symbol 100. V-scale down once. Join it to the previous symbol. {Spider leg 2}
30. Torso symbol 99. V-scale, H-scale down once and rotate. Place it below leg 2. {Spider leg 3}
31. Torso symbol 100. V-scale down once and rotate. Join it to the previous symbol. {Spider 3}
32. Torso symbol 100. V-scale, H-scale down once and rotate. Move it below leg 3. {Spider leg 4}
33. Torso symbol 98. H-scale down once and rotate. Join it to the previous symbol. {Spider leg 4}
34. Repeat steps 26 to 33, rotating all symbols except 99.
35. After completing the front logo, you should be at 50+ layers. Obviously you can’t do the same for the back. So you can choose to make a spider with 6 legs like that on the front or opt for the easier option of:
36. Back symbol 26. Max scaled. [White]


Body Type (-70) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: 0, 70, 36
Shoulder: 41, 100, 46
Abdomen: -35, 21, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 0, 20, 0
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: 15, 0, 0
Feet: d

Body Height – 6’6’’

Head Morphing
Head: -10, 8, 0
Forehead: All -100

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -19, 13, -100, 100
Eyes: 4, -20, 40, -22, 0, 100, 15
Nose: -10, 40, 0, -7, 6, 37, 17, 14
Cheeks: -30, -20, 0, 0
Mouth: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 54, -78
Jaw: 11, 15, 18, 40, 100, 30
Ears: d

1. Definition 8.
2. Eye 1. [Blue]
3. Eyebrow 35. [80x 0y 24s]
4. Lips 1.
5. Hair 31. [80x 25y 40s 100hs]
6. Wrestling Tights 16. [-18x 0y -10s]
7. Kneepads 15. [-65s]
8. Socks 1. Pattern 15. [83x 100y -3s 61L]
9. Shoes 14. [73x -15y 3s]
10. Underwear 5. (Add). [-100y -65s]
11. Top 5. Skin tight, untucked. [-100y -55s 18L]
12. Wristbands 1. [-100x -11y -36s 10L]
13. Facial Hair Template 17. [80x 6y 46s 70a]
14. Torso accessory 11. [-100y -100s 0a]
15. Hat 8. Style, move left once. Pattern 6. [-100y -10s]
16. Horns 8. [-100y 100s]
17. Torso symbol 103. (5-6 symbols). Rotate, max H-scale, smallest V-scale. Use 5-6 of these to form a yellow belt around his waist. Note that you have to place the belt slightly higher to allow enough room for the later steps. [72x 100y 50s]
18. Torso symbol 10. V-scale down once and rotate twice. Use this as his belt buckle. [72x 100y 70s]

19. The last 6 layers are for the 6 circles on his torso; 3 levels, 2 each. For these 6 symbols, use Torso symbol 97. [-100y 10s]

- Pec level: Rotate, H-scale down once and V-scale up twice.

- Abdomen level: Rotate, H-scale down once and V-scale up once.

- Groin level : Rotate, H-scale down once.

The Thing

Body Type (-100) – Advanced options
Neck: -100, 35, 100
Chest: 25, 14, 100
Shoulder: 43, 100, 71
Abdomen: -100, 75, 30
Waist: 70, 44
Arm: 3, 100, 30
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: -100, 30, 22
Feet: 0, 0, 100

Body Height – 6’0’’

Head Morphing
Head: -15, 100, 0
Forehead: -100, -100, -100, -100

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -100, 100, 100, 100-
Eyes: 7, -18, -13, -100, 0, 100, 34
Nose: -100, -100, -100, -100, 100, -33, 100, 25
Cheeks: 25, -100, 39, 72
Mouth: 100, -100, 100, 0, 100, 100, -100
Jaw: -100, 41, 23, 72. 100, 0
Ears: 100, 12, 11, -100

1. Skin tone 1. [78x 100y -2s -100sp]
2. Eyes 2. [Blue]
3. Hair 2
4. Mask 17. Pattern 39. [81x 77y 14s 92a]
5. Gloves 2. Pattern 39. [83x 100y -5s 55a]
6. Tops 3. Skin tight, tucked. Pattern 39. [86x 59y 9s 55a]
7. Tights 1. [-18x -25y -36s]
8. Shoes 31. [-100s] for 1st colour. [-18x 100y -40s] for 2nd colour.
9. Belt 1.


Body Type (-30) – Advanced options
Neck: -45, -15, 22
Chest: 60, -20, 0
Shoulder: 0, 100, 0
Abdomen: 5, 0, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 100, 10, 10
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: 70, 0, 30
Feet: 20, 20, 75

Body Skin 1 – d

Body Height – 5’10’’

Head Morphing
Head: -25, 25, 20, -20
Forehead: 100, -100, -100, -5

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: 60, -100, -100, 100
Eyes: 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Nose: -100, 100, -100, -100, 100, -25, 0, 100
Cheeks: 80, -100, -100, -100
Mouth: 100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100
Jaw: -100, 0, -100, 10, -45, -100
Ears: -100, 70, -100, -100

1. First of all let me give you an overview of what has to be done. We are going to put red scales on spidey with a skin tight top, a costume, socks and gloves and 2 masks. Then we are going to cover up the red scales with blue logos (about 20 layers). Then we are going to do his eyes (10 layers), followed by his chest and back logo (2 layers or an alternative 11 layers). In the end you should have spidey done by 60 layers.
2. Socks 1, pattern 38. [-91x 100y -11s]
3. Wrestling Attire 13, pattern 38. [-100x 100y 10s]
4. Tops 3, pattern 38, skin tight, tucked [-92x 100y 15s]
5. Masks 17, pattern 39. [100x 100y 22s]
6. Masks 21, pattern 39. [100x 100y 22s]
7. Face paint 79. [Black]
8. Gloves 2, pattern 38. [-91x 62y 5s]
9. Tights 1. [-29x 25y -30s 59L]
10. Left arm Symbol 103. Max size. Move to the top of his arm and cover half his bicep horizontally. [-28x 0y 9s] REMEMBER THIS COLOR as I will be referring to this color as Spidey blue from now on [S. blue].
11. Left arm Symbol 103. Max size. Move this below the previous rectangle until it reaches waist level. [S. blue]
12. Left arm Symbol 103. Max size. Move this layer towards the back and top of his arm so that it matches the way it looks from the front. [S. blue]
13. Left arm Symbol 103. Max size. Move this below the previous rectangle until waist level (back of his arm). [S. Blue]
14. Repeat the 4 rectangles on his right arm. [S. blue]
15. Torso symbol 104. Max scale. Move it to his left armpit to join the blue on his left arm. [S. blue]
16. Torso symbol 104. Max scale and rotate. Move it to his right armpit. [S. blue]
17. Torso design 103. Max scale. Rotate and move it to the bottom of symbol 103, forming a blue mass that produces an angle 120 degrees against the red. Leave a red gap for his “belt”. [S. blue]
18. Repeat previous step for the other symbol 103.
19. It is now a simple process of filling in the remaining areas with max scaled and rotated symbols 103. [S. blue]
20. From either symbol 103 on his waist. Add a new symbol 103, max scaled and rotated, and bring it down to his waist. Move it around to his back. Refer to the picture and you will roughly know where to fill in the red gaps with blue. It took me 8 of these symbols to fill up Spiderman; 4 his back and 2 for each of his sides.
21. Torso symbol 27. Place in the middle of his chest. [-100s]
22. I will describe how to do his left eye (your right) completely and then you have to repeat steps 23 to 27, keeping in mind to rotate symbols 104 and 98.
23. Head symbol 104. This symbol is to extend the blackness in his eyes. Move it to the top of his left eye (your right), making that there are no nicks on the west region of the black mass. [Black]
24. Head symbol 98. H-scale down once and move it to the top of his left eye. It should form an even, black perimeter on the west side of his eye. [White]
25. Head symbol 98. H-scale down once and rotate. Move it to the bottom of his left eye. It should form a black perimeter on the south west side of his eye. [White]
26. Head symbol 97, H-scale down and V-scale up once. Move it to the east side of his left eye, joining the white symbols. Form a complete white triangle, ignoring the black gaps in between. [White]
27. Head symbol 103. H-scale down once and move it into his left eye (your right) to fill up any black gaps. [White]

(Now repeat steps 23 to 27, remembering to rotate symbols 98 and 104).

Option A
28. Back torso symbol 27. H-scale max. V-scale 2nd size. Place it in the middle of his back so that the there is a bigger region of blue below the spider. [Red]

Option B: All [Red]
28. Back symbol 97. Rotate, V-scale up twice and H-scale down once. Place it in the middle of his back.
29. Back symbol 97. Rotate, V-scale up twice and H-scale down once. Extend the red on his back.
30. Back symbol 100. V-scale down and move it to form the spider’s right front leg.
31. Back symbol 100. V-scale down and rotate. Spider’s left front leg.
32. Back symbol 100. V-scale down and H-scale up. 2nd right leg.
33. Back symbol 100. V-scale down, H-scale up and rotate. 2nd left leg.
34. Back symbol 100. V-scale down, H-scale up. 3rd left leg.
35. Back symbol 100. V-scale down, H-scale up and rotate. 3rd right leg.
36. Back symbol 100. H-scale down. Left hind leg.
37. Back symbol 100. H-scale down and rotate. Right hind leg.

Silver Surfer

Body Type (-40) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: d
Shoulder: 0, 70, 0
Abdomen: d
Waist: d
Arm: d
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: d
Feet: 0, 0, 100

Body Height – 6’4’’

Head Morphing
Head: d
Forehead: 20, 0, 10, -35

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -28, 0, 0, 70
Eyes: d
Nose: -29, 0, -19, -35, 0, 0, 0, 29
Cheeks: d
Mouth: Angle -100
Jaw: 35, 20, 0, 25, 50, 11
Ears: d

1. Skin tone 12. [-100y -25s 100sp]
2. Definition 8
3. Eye 9. [-100y 0s]
4. Eyebrow 14. [-100y 30s]
5. Lips 1. [-100y -15s]
6. Left arm Wristband 18. [-100s]
7. Underwear 4. [-100y -25s]


Body Type (-60) – Advanced options
Neck: -100, 25, 100
Chest: 60, -20, 52
Shoulder: 100, 100, 0
Abdomen: -35, 12, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 100, 40, 20
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: 10, -10, 10
Feet: 0, 0, 100

Body Height – 6’6’’

Head Morphing
Head: -45, -15, -15
Forehead: 0, -100, 100, -25

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -100, 100, -100, 23
Eyes: 45, -18, 77, -100, 0, 100, 49
Nose: -45, -51, -55, -65, 57, 0, 57, 35
Cheeks: -50, -98, 5, 25
Mouth: 90, -92, 40, 10, -100, -100, -100
Jaw: 10, -67, 18, 100, 100, 70
Ears: -100, 23, -100, -100
1. Body definition 8. [-100sp]
2. Hair 8. [75x 20y 10s]
3. Eye 9
4. Mask 17. [90x 36y -67s]
5. Face paint 56. [87x 40y 5s]
6. Face paint 73. [88x -3y 37s]
7. Sideburns 16. [80x 20y 30s]
8. Sideburns 9. [80x 20y 30s]
9. Facial hair (Templates) 18. [80x 20y 30s 25a]
10. Other headwear 24. [90x 89y -6s]
11. Head symbol 103. (2 symbols). V-scale down once and use them to form both his eyebrows. [75x 20s]
12. Underwear 29. [90x -40y -52s]
13. Tops 3. Skin tight, tucked. [90x -40y -55s]
14. Head symbol 92. Rotate and max scale. Place it in between his eyebrows and halfway into the headwear other. [90x -45y -15s]
15. Right leg symbol 103. V-scale down once and move it down to his toes. [S brown]
16. Left leg symbol 103. V-scale down once and move it down to his toes. [S brown]
17. Remember these colours:
[S yellow] = [80x -35y 20a]
[S brown] = [90x -45y -15s]

Outline (All symbols 103) [S yellow]
18 Torso symbols to turn his costume mostly [S yellow]
4 Right arm symbols to turn his arm mostly [S yellow]
4 Left arm symbols to turn his arm mostly [S yellow]
2 Right leg symbols to turn his right leg [S yellow]
2 Left leg symbols to turn his left leg [S yellow]

Stripes (All symbols 92) [S brown]
6 Torso symbols
2 Right arm symbols
2 Left arm symbols

Outline (All symbol 103, max scaled) [S yellow]
1. The best thing to do is refer to the pictures provided.
2. Since his torso is totally brown, you need 18 of these max scaled symbols.
3. Place 9 on each side of his torso and back, imagine a square. Do not worry about brown from the underwear, it will be addressed later. Leave a brown strip down the middle of his torso and back.
4. Next you need to work on the arms. Once again, max scale it and place it on his inner arms, imagine a square. The [S yellow] should no go past his waist level. Make sure the yellow is inline with the torso yellow.
5. Now you need to cover up the brown on his thighs. Use 2 Leg symbol 103 max scaled and ROTATED (do not rotate the other symbols on the torso and arms) on each leg.

Stripes (All symbol 92) [S brown]
1. Torso symbol 92. (6 symbols). Rotate, H-scale to max and V-scale to smallest. Use these 6 symbols to form the stripes on his hips and thighs. [S brown]
2. Right arm symbol 92. (2 symbols). Rotate and place it on his bicep such that half of it protrudes from the brown mass into the yellow area. [S brown]. Repeat this for the back of his arm.
3. Left arm symbol 92. (2 symbols). Repeat the previous step for his left arm. [S brown]


Body Type (0) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: d
Bust: -100, -70, -33
Shoulder: 0, 75, 0
Abdomen: -30, 10, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 65, 40, 15
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: 0, 25, 55
Feet: 0, 0, 100

Body Height – 5’8’’

Head Morphing
Head: d
Forehead: d

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: 20, 0, 0, 10
Eyes: 10, 2, 10, -15, 0, 0, 27
Nose: 0, 60, -5, -5, 15, 10, 0, 20
Cheeks: d
Mouth: -10, 30, -15, 40, 17, 40, 5
Jaw: 10, 20, 0, -30, -20, -29
Ears: d
1. Body Definition 1
2. Face skin tones 1
3. Eyes 1 [Green]
4. Eyebrows 2
5. Eyelashes 2
6. Lips 1 [Color -100x 10y]
7. Teeth 1
8. Hair 27. [80x 22y -10s 100hs]
9. Make up 1
10. Make up 18 [98x 30a]
11. Head others 24. [50x 100y 12s]
12. Wrestling tights 16. [73x 100y 20s]
13. Tops 36. Skin tight, tucked. [50x 5y -45s 92L]
14. Tops 35. Skin tight. [73x 100y 100s 0L]
15. Gloves 2. [73x 100y 52s]
16. Shoes 7. [73x 100y -14s]
17. Knee pads 1. [73x 100y]
18. Remember this colour, you’ll be using it painfully a lot… [R green] = [50x -20y -5s]
19. Left leg symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Move it as high up her thigh as possible without it appearing on her shoe. Her thigh should be half green and half yellow from the front and back view. [R green] Move this layer before the knee pads.
20. Right leg symbol 103. Repeat the previous step on her right leg.
21. Torso symbol 103. (8 symbols). Max scale and place 4 of these symbols on either side of her torso. They should be in line with the green on her thighs. [50x -20y -5s]
22. Leg left symbol 104. H-scale down twice. Do not move it vertically at all; move it horizontally into the yellow colour. [R green] Move this layer before the knee pads.
23. Left leg symbol 104. H-sale down twice and rotate. Move it to the back cut into the yellow. [R green] Move this layer before the knee pads.
24. Right leg symbol 104. (2 symbols). Repeat steps 22 and 23 for her right leg.
25. Left leg symbol 99. V-scale down once and H-scale up once. Move half of it into the knee pad. [R green]
26. Right leg symbol 99. V-scale down once and H-scale up once. Move half of it into the knee pad. [R green]
27. Left leg symbol 99. (2 symbols). Rotate, max H-scale and smallest V-scale. Place them on the hemline of the knee pads.
28. Right leg symbol 99. (2 symbols). Rotate, max H-scale and smallest V-scale. Place them on the hemline of the knee pads.
29. Torso symbol 100. H-scale and V-scale down once. Move it up to her left collar bone (your right). [-100s]
30. Torso symbol 100. H-scale and V-scale down once. Move it up to her right collar bone (your left). [-100s]
31. Torso symbol 99. Rotate, H-scale down twice and V-scale down once. Move it over her left bust (your right). [-100s]
32. Torso lettering. Alphabet 14/18. “x” Scale appropriately and move it into the black circle. [73x 100y 23s]
33. Torso symbol 103. (8 symbols) Rotate, max H-scale and smallest V-scale. Form a belt around the waist, covering the gap between the top and tights. [90x -45y 5s]
34. Torso symbol 103. Rotate and smallest scale. Place it in the middle of the belt. [-100s]
35. Torso lettering. Alphabet 14/18. Individually, use “l” in varying sizes to draw the border of the buckle and then use “x” for the buckle design. [Red]


Body Type (0) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: d
Bust: -40, -70, -33
Shoulder: 0, 75, 0
Abdomen: -30, 10, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 65, 40, 15
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: 0, 25, 55
Feet: 0, 0, 100

Body Height – 5’11’’

Head Morphing
Head: d
Forehead: d

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: 20, 0, 0, 100
Eyes: 10, -40, 10, -40, 0, 0, 27
Nose: 0, 60, -5, -33, 15, 10, 0, 30
Cheeks: d
Mouth: -28, -30, -40, 0, 40, 40, 5
Jaw: 0, 10, 0, -55, -45, -29
Ears: d
1. Body Definition 1
2. Face skin tones 1. [4th Colour option]
3. Eyes 1 [Blue]
4. Eyebrows 2 [-60x]
5. Eyelashes 2
6. Lips 1 [Color -100x 10y]
7. Teeth 1
8. Hair 27. [-60x -3y 100hs]
9. Make up 1
10. Make up 18 [98x 25a]
11. Remember this colour. [-24x -40y -10s] = [P Blue]
12. Wrestling attire 2. [-24x -20y -60s]
13. Wrestling attire 8. [-24x -40y -50s]
14. Tops 31. [-24x -40y -48s 0L]
15. Note that adding the top over the 2 wrestling attires may be a little glitchy. I had to edit/change the primary top before I was able to add another top.
16. Wristbands 1. [-24x -9y -60s 73L]
17. Gloves 9. [-24x -25y -55s]
18. Shoes 5. [-24x -23y -57s]
19. Face paint 10.
20. Belt 30. [-100x 100y -35s]

21. The remaining layers are ALL SYMBOLS 103, rotated, max H-scaled and smallest V-scale. [P Blue]
22. Left arm symbol 103. You need 4 of these to form 2 blue bands around her bicep.
23. Right arm symbol 103. You need 4 of these to form 2 blue bands around her bicep.
24. Left leg symbol 103. You need 6 of these to form 2 blue bands around her thighs.
25. Right leg symbol 103. You need 6 of these to form 2 blue bands around her thighs.

26. Left leg symbol 103. Max scaled and rotated. Use as many of these to extend her boots to her knees. I used 5; 3 around the shin and calf, 2 to cover the gaps below the calf. [P Blue]
27. Right leg symbol 103. Max scaled and rotated. Follow the previous step. [P Blue]


Body Type (0) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: d
Bust: -40, -70, -33
Shoulder: 0, 75, 0
Abdomen: -30, 10, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 65, 40, 15
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: 0, 25, 55
Feet: 0, 0, 100

Body Height – 5’6’’

Head Morphing
Head: d
Forehead: d

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: 20, 0, 0, 10
Eyes: 10, 2, 10, -15, 0, 0, 27
Nose: 0, 60, -5, -5, 15, 10, 0, 20
Cheeks: d
Mouth: -10, 30, -15, 40, 17, 40, 5
Jaw: 10, 20, 0, -30, -20, -29
Ears: d
1. Body Definition 1
2. Face skin tones 1
3. Eyes 1 [Green]
4. Eyebrows 2
5. Eyelashes 2
6. Lips 1 [Color -100x 10y]
7. Teeth 1
8. Hair 1. [-100x 18y 100hs]
9. Make up 1
10. Make up 18 [98x 30a]
11. Tops 35. Skin tight, untucked. [-100s]
12. Tops 28. Untucked. [42x -20y -23s 47L]
13. Wrestling tights 16. [42x -20y -41s]
14. Wristbands 1 [70x 100y -7s]
15. Gloves 2. [72x -6y 30s]
16. Belts 6 [72x 40y 7s]
17. Socks 1 [72x 10y 0s 90L]
18. Right leg symbol 92. Rotate and horizontally scale up once. Move it so that half of it is on the costume while the other half is on the yellow sock. [72x -15y 50s]
19. Left leg symbol 92 . Rotate and horizontally scale up once. Move it so that half of it is on the costume while the other half is on the yellow sock. [72x -15y 50s]
20. Torso symbol 104. V-scale and H-scale up once. Move it over the left bust (your right), just above the blurring zone. [-100s]
21. Torso symbol 104. V-scale and H-scale up once. Move it over the right bust (your left), just above the blurring zone. [-100s]
22. Torso lettering. Numeral. Select the first 7. H-scale down once and move it up to her neck. The top of the 7 should disappear into her neck such that it looks like a phoenix head. [72x -7y 12s]
23. Torso symbol 28. Move it up to form the phoenix’s wing. [72x -15y 44s]
24. Torso symbol 92. H-scale and V-scale up once. Move it up to cover symbol 28, without covering the 3 “wing tips” on either side. It should also be in line with the black mass on her chest. [-100s]
25. Torso symbol 93. V-scale down once and move it up to the 7 numeral and symbol 92 to form the phoenix’s body. [72x -15y 44s]
26. Torso symbol 92. Smallest size. Move it to form phoenix’s tail. [72x -15y 44s]


Body Type (0) – Advanced options
Neck: 30, -40, 0
Chest: 20, 8, -20
Shoulder: -100, -50, 0
Abdomen: 10, -30, 0
Waist: -38, 0, 0
Arm: 100, -10, -20
Hands: 100, -100, -100
Legs: 65, -20, 25
Feet: d

Body Height – 5’9’’

Head Morphing
Head: -45, -70, -60
Forehead: 30, -44, 100, -34

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -16, 100, -30, 100
Eyes: -18, -16, 8, 3, 6, -24, 9
Nose: -57, 100, -5, -35, 100, 9, -18, 53
Cheeks: 22, -100, -100, 31
Mouth: 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -100
Jaw: 69, 5, 0, -53, -14, -29
Ears: 100, -29, 100, 100


1. Skin tone 12. [-25x 50y -15s 0sp]
2. Eyes 9. [72x 100y 50s]
3. Eyebrow 13. [-25x 60y 7s]
4. Lips 1. [-25x 34y -20s]
5. Teeth 11.
6. Hair 8. [-30x 44y -10s]
7. Wrestling attire 13. [-18x 100y -60s]
8. Top 3. Skin tight, untucked. [-18x 100y -54s 68L]
9. Top 5. Skin tight, untucked. [-100x 100y -17s 15L]
10. Glove 4. [White]
11. Wristband 1. [-100x 100y -45s]
12. Shoes 7. [White]
13. Socks 1. [-100x 100y -47s 46L]
14. Underwear 4 (add). Style: Move once to the right. [-100x 100y -34s]

Remember the following colour:
[-18x 0y -18s]. Basically, it is almost the default colour for symbols, just change the shade to -18. For all of the remaining steps, use this colour.

15. Torso symbol 104. H-scale down once and V-scale up twice. Move it to his left collar bone (your right).
16. Torso symbol 104. Rotate, H-scale down once and V-scale up twice. Move it to his right collar bone (your left).
17. Torso symbol 92. H-scale down once and V-scale up twice. Move it into the middle of his sternum. This should cover any gaps between the 2 previous symbols and the bottom tip of the diamond should be just above the wristbands.
18. Torso symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Move it to his left hip. It should rest on the very edge of the blurring region.
19. Torso symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Move it to his right hip.
20. Back symbol 104. V-scale up twice. Move it to his right hip, making sure that the underwear cannot be seen.
21. Back symbol 104. V-scale up twice and rotate. Move it to his left hip.
22. Torso symbol 104. V-scale up twice. Move it to his left armpit (your right), making sure that the symbol is in-line with symbol 103 from step 19.
23. Torso symbol 104. V-scale up twice and rotate. Move it to his right armpit.
24. Torso symbol 103. Max scale. Move it to his left side, as far back as possible while covering any gaps between this symbol and symbol 104 from step 22.
25. Torso symbol 103. Max scale. Move it to his right side.
26. Feel free to cover up any gaps you deem necessary, e.g. the red might still show on his armpits during matches.

Ms Marvel

Body Type (0) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: d
Bust: -40, -70, -33
Shoulder: 0, 75, 0
Abdomen: -30, 10, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 65, 40, 15
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: 0, 25, 55
Feet: 0, 0, 100

Body Height – 5’8’’

Head Morphing
Head: d
Forehead: d

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -100, -100, 0, 100
Eyes: 100, -55, 100, -11, 5, 0, 73
Nose: 0, 60, -5, -33, 15, 10, 0, 30
Cheeks: d
Mouth: -28, -30, -40, 0, 40, 40, 5
Jaw: 0, 10, 0, -55, -45, -29
Ears: d
1. Body Definition 1
2. Eyes 9
3. Lips 1 [Color -100x 10y]
4. Hair 1. [80x 3y 35s 100hs]
5. Make up 1
6. Make up 18 [98x 25a]
7. Remember this colour. [72x 100y 100s] = [M yellow]
8. Wrestling attire 2. [-100]
9. Wrestling attire 8. [-100]
10. Tops 31. [-100 0L]
11. Note that adding the top over the 2 wrestling attires may be a little glitchy. I had to edit/change the primary top before I was able to add another top.
12. Wristbands 1. [-100s 90L]
13. Gloves 2. [-100y -70s]
14. Shoes 33. [-100s]
15. Belt 5. [-100x 100y -10s]
16. Belt 6. [-100x 100y -10s]
17. Now for the lightning on her chest. You will have to draw the lightning around the blurring region. 2x Symbol 100 for the top stroke, 1x Symbol 99 for the horizontal middle stroke and 2x Symbol 100 for the bottom stroke. For these 5 symbols, use [M Yellow]
18. Torso symbol 100. V-scale down once. Move it to the top of her costume, almost touching the skin on her shoulder.
19. Torso symbol 100. V-scale down once and H-scale up once. Connect this symbol to the previous one.
20. Torso symbol 99. Rotate, V-scale down once and H-scale up once. Connect this to the top stroke.
21. Torso symbol 100. Connect this to the horizontal middle stroke.
22. Torso symbol 100. Max scale. Connect it to the previous symbol to extend the bottom stroke to her hip.
23. Face paint 79. [-100s]
24. Mask design 9. [-100s]
25. Mask design 18. [-100s]
26. Torso symbol 92. (4 symbols). Rotate and Max scale. Place these 4 symbols below and under her eyes, extending the black mass and giving it shape. [-100s]

Mr Sinister

Body Type (-45) – Advanced options
Neck: -50, 0, 0
Chest: 0, 60, 22
Shoulder: 100, 100, 0
Abdomen: -25, 30, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 0, 35, 15
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: -40, 0, 0
Feet: 0, 0, 0

Body Height – 6’5’’

Head Morphing
Head: d
Forehead: -29, -100, 100, 0

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -58, 100, -41, 100
Eyes: 4, -20, 40, -80, 33, 100, 42
Nose: -39, -3, -55, -37, 0, -20, 11, 0
Cheeks: 4, -100, -7, 37
Mouth: 100, -44, 26, -39, -70, -58, 51
Jaw: -25, 30, -6, 55, -33, -20
Ears: d

1. Skin tone 5. [-100y 20s]
2. Hair 16. [Black]
3. Eye 9. [Red]
4. Eyebrows 21. [black]
5. Lips 16. [Black]
6. Teeth 11.
7. Goatee 7. [Black]
8. Wrestling attire 13. Pattern 42. [-22x 100y -61s]
9. Tops 5. Skin tight, tucked. Pattern 42. [-22x 100y -32s]
10. Body accessory 13. [-22x 100y -37s 0a]
11. Gloves 2. [-22x -48s]
12. Shoes 5. [-22x -3y -61s]
13. Torso symbol 103. (About 4 to 6 symbols). Rotate, Max H-scale and smallest V-scale. Place it around his waist to form a red belt. [Red]
14. Torso symbol 92. H-scale down once and move it to his sternum. [Red]
15. Head symbol 92. H-scale down once and move it to his forehead. [Red]
16. Make-up 1. Bigger style. [-100s]


Body Type (-100) – Advanced options
Neck: -100, 21, 100
Chest: 100, 100, 100
Shoulder: 50, 100, 50
Abdomen: -100, 70, 22
Waist: 60, 60
Arm: 100, 100, 44
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: -100, 2, 15
Feet: 0, 7, 100

Body Height – 7’2’’

Head Morphing
Head: -100, 100, -54
Forehead: All -100

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: 40, 100, 48, 100
Eyes: -5, 33, 10, -100, -11, 0, 81
Nose: -100, -42, -100, -100, -100, -100, 21, 100
Cheeks: 100, -100, 100, 100
Mouth: 100, 0, 15, -100, -25, 0, -100
Jaw: 100, 100, -100, 43, 100, 100
Ears: 100, 12, 11, -100
1. Body definition 8, [100sp]
2. Hair 2
3. Eye 1. [Brown]
4. Arm hair 1.
5. Wrestling attire 13. [90x -20y -43s]
6. Body accessory 11.
7. Top 3. Skin tight, tucked. [90x -20y -35s 10L]
8. Make sure the body accessory is under the top.
9. Shoes 7. [90x 2y -44s]
10. Remember these colours:
[J bands] = [90x 10y -5s]
[J abs] = [90x -20y 10s]
11. Mask 17. [90x -40s]
12. Hat 17. [90x 51y -2s]
13. Torso symbol 103. H-scale and V-scale up once. Move it down to his abs, the top of the symbol should touch his pec. [J abs] You need about 8 to 10 of these to go around his abs. Don’t worry if the bottom line of the symbols are not even, just ensure that the line around the top is even.
14. Belts 1. [90x 55y 15s]
15. Wristbands 1. [90x 40y -55s 25L]
16. Left arm symbol 103 (5 symbols). Max H-scaled and rotate. Move it to his bicep. You need 3 of these to form a band around his bicep. You need 2 of these to cover his knuckles; do not cover his thumb. [J bands]
17. Right arm symbol 103 (5 symbols). Max H-scaled and rotate. You need 3 of these to form a band around his bicep. You need 2 of these for his knuckles; do not cover his thumb. [J bands]


Body Type (-70) – Advanced options
Neck: -100, 50, 100
Chest: 16, 14, 60
Shoulder: 100, 100, 100
Abdomen: -50, 0, 0
Waist: 0, 0
Arm: 100, 25, 30
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: -45, 0, 13
Feet: 4, 13, 65
Skin tone 1 – [72x 50y 0s 100sp]
Body Height – 6’4’’
Hair 2
Head Morphing
Head: 0, 38, -44
Forehead: -100, -100, -100, 85
Face Morphing
Eyebrows: 0, 0, -100, 100
Eyes: 100, -100, 100, 0, 40, 100, 53
Nose: -100, 45, -39, -100, 100, -19, 45, -100
Cheeks: d
Mouth: 100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -47
Jaw: 48, -84, -10, 45, 100, 0
Ears: -71, 0, -100, -5
1. Underwear 4. [-100x -29y -45s]
2. Wristbands 1. [-100x 11y -52s 50L]
3. Mask 17. [-100x -5y -44s]
4. Mask 22. [-100x -5y -44s]
5. Face paint 56. [-100x 73y -34s]
6. Elbow pad 5. [-100x -5y -37s]
7. Socks 1. [-100x 100y -66s 56L]
8. Knee pads 12. [-100x -38s]
9. Shoes 4. [-100x -30y -45s]
10. Tops 3. Skin tight tucked. [-100x -29y -37s 23L]
12. Edit the base underwear and change it to underwear 2.
13. Torso accessories 11. [-100x 10y -20s]
14. Gloves 3. [-100x 100y -50s]Remember this colour [72x 100y 30s], I will refer to it as [Yel]
15. Head symbol 97. H-scale down twice and move it into his right ear. [Yel]
16. Head symbol 97. H-scale down twice and move it into his left ear. [Yel]
17. Head symbol 104. Max scale. Move it to his left eye (your right). The bottom end (west) should rest on the bridge of his nose and the top end (north) should touch the hemline of the mask. [Yel]
18. Head symbol 104. Max scale. Move it to join and extend the previous symbol. Ensure that the outer perimeter of the yellow mass (east) is parallel. [Yel]
19. Head symbol 104. Max scale and rotate. Move it to his right eye (your left), it should form a Y-shape with the yellow symbol on his left eye (your right) [Yel]
20. Head symbol 104. Max scale and rotate. Extend the yellow on his right eye (your left). [Yel]21. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it onto the bridge of his nose, it should be high enough to “flatten” the sharp Y-shape angle.
22. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it to his left cheek, do no place it past his cheek bone. The inner side of this symbol should sit on the bridge of his nose. [Yel]
23. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it to his right cheek, join it to the previous symbol, ensuring that there is no red gap in between. [Yel]
24. Head symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Use this to cover the gap between his eyes and nose. [Yel]
25. Head symbol 103. Rotate and V-scale down once. Move it into his mouth. [Black]
26. Head symbol 103. Rotate and move this down under his mouth leaving a gap of about 2 cm. [-100x -33y 2s]
27. Make-up 19. [-100s]
28. Make-up 7. [-100s]
29. Head symbol 103. Smallest scale and rotate. Move it into the middle of the right eye. [White]
30. Head symbol 103. Smallest scale and rotate. Move it into the middle of the left eye. [White]
31. Torso symbol 104. Max scale and move it to his left armpit (your right), it should be in line with his pec. [Yel]
32. Torso symbol 104. Max scale and rotate. Move it to his right armpit.
33. Back symbol 104. Max scale and move it to his right back, try to place it in line with the torso accessory. [Yel]
34. Back symbol 104. Max scale and rotate. Move it to his left back.
35. Back symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Move it down to his left side without going past the underwear; it should fit nicely between the detailed areas of the torso accessory. [Yellow]
36. Back symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Move it to down his right side. [Yel].
37. Torso symbol 92. V-scale up once and move it up into the triangle from the torso accessory. The upper half of the symbol should go into his neck forming a diamond. [Yel]
38. Head symbol 92. [Yel]
39. Head symbol 103. Rotate and resize anyway possible such that it is big enough to cover the upper half of the previous symbol. [-100x -45y 12s]
40. Head symbol 96. Smallest scale and move it to extend the mouth on his right cheek (your left). [-100s]
41. Head symbol 96. Smallest scale and rotate. Move it to extend the mouth on his left cheek (your right). [-100s]


Body Type (-30) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: d
Shoulder: 0, 70, 0
Abdomen: d
Waist: d
Arm: d
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: d
Feet: 0, 0, 100

Body Height – 6’1’’

Head Morphing
Head: d
Forehead: 0, 0, 0, -45

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -28, 0, 0, 70
Eyes: d
Nose: -29, 0, -19, -35, 0, 0, 0, 29
Cheeks: d
Mouth: Angle -100
Jaw: 35, 20, 0, 25, 50, 11
Ears: d

1. Skin tone 12. [-100y 5s 100sp]
2. Definition 8
3. Eye 9. [-100y 20s]
4. Eyebrow 14. [-100y 30s]
5. Lips 1. [-100y -3s]
6. Left arm Wristband 18. [-100s]
7. Underwear 4. [-100y 5s]
8. Torso symbol 103. Smallest size. Place in on the upper hemline of the underwear to form a belt buckle. [Red]

9. Torso Lettering. Alphabet 14/18 “l”. Use 4 of these to draw a black border around the red rectangle. [Black]

For the North and South borders, use a default, rotated “l”.
For the East and West borders, V-scale down once.

10. Torso Lettering. Alphabet 13/18 “X”. H-scale up once and V-scale down once. Move it into the middle of the buckle. [Black]


Body Type (-100) – Advanced options
Neck: -100, 35, 100
Chest: 25, 14, 50
Shoulder: 100, 100, 0
Abdomen: -90, 45, 0
Waist: 45, 6
Arm: 100, 50, 8
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: -100, 40, 50
Feet: 0, 0, 100

Body Height – 7’2’’

Head Morphing
Head: -80, 40, -40
Forehead: -100, -100, -100, -15

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: 0, 0, 0,100
Eyes: -18, -45, 10, -35, 0, 85, 10
Nose: -75, -70, -20, -39, 39, 44, 32, 6
Cheeks: 0, 100, 0, 0
Mouth: 100, -5, 0, -15, -60, -55, -100
Jaw: -55, -18, -24, 46, 37, 36
Ears: 100, 12, 11, -100

1. Skin tone 12. [32x 20y -25s]
2. Eyes 2. [-16s]
3. Eyebrows 14.
4. Lips 1. [35x 0y -30s]
5. Hair 8. [90x -15y -18s]
6. Underwear 7.7. Men’s Bottoms 1. Short style. [-65x -40y -27s]


Body Type (-25) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: d
Shoulder: 0, 70, 0
Abdomen: d
Waist: d
Arm: 20, 20, 0
Hands: 50, 50, 50
Legs: d
Feet: d

Body Height – 6’1’’

Head Morphing
Head: -17, -25, -4
Forehead: 75, 33, -55, 44

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -20, -17, 0, -10
Eyes: 4, -20, 40, -22, 0, 100, 15
Nose: -10, 40, 0, -7, 6, 37, 17, 14
Cheeks: -30, -20, 0, 0
Mouth: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 54, -78
Jaw: 28, -28, 14, -10, 0, 0
Ears: d

1. Top 3, skin tight, long sleeved, tucked. [-100s]
2. Top 1, skin tight, tucked. [-83x -14y -43s]
3. Upper body Accessories 11. [-80x 23y 0s]
4. Wrestling Tights 16. [-65s]
5. Belts 1. [-17x 60y 37s]
6. Move them accordingly, they should be in the order they were added.
7. Shoes 1. [-21x 44y 38s]
8. Socks 1. [-20x 6y -47s 55L]
9. Knee pads 12. [-21x -25y -15s]
10. Belt 1. [-17x 57y 23s]
11. Gloves 9. [-100s]
12. Torso symbol 104. H-scale up once. Move it over HIS left breast (your right), letting it sit over his pec. [-20x -30y 20s]
13. Torso symbol 104. H-scale up once and rotate. Move it over HIS right breast (your left). [-20x -30y 20s]
14. Torso Design 103. Move it in to the middle of the blue mass so that the base juts out (forming a Y-shape). [-20x -30y 20s]
15. Masks 17. [-100s]
16. Masks 21. [-100s]
17. Face paint 56. [97x 27y -7s]
18. Make-up 1.
19. Facial Hair (Goatee) 11.
20. Facial Hair (Template) 7. [25a]
21. Head lettering: Signs 1/7: Use the solid full stop. Max scale and move it into Gambit’s left eye. [Red]
22. Follow previous step but with Gambit’s right eye.
23. Head symbol 100. V-scale down once and move it over his left eye (your right). [86x -55y]
24. Head symbol 100. V-scale down once and rotate. Move it over his right eye. [86x -55y]
25. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it to the left side of his face so it covers the cheek but not his cheek bone. [-100s]
26. Head symbol 104. Max scale. Like the previous step, do the same for the other side of his face. [-100s]
27. Jackets 15. [88x -47y -19s]
28. Hair 21. Select the style in which his left eye is covered. [96x -11y -55s]

Optional: 4 remaining symbols are [-100s]
29. Left arm symbol 103. H-scale down once and move it to cover the knuckle side of his left middle and ring finger.
30. Left arm symbol 103. H-scale down once and move it to cover the palm side of his left middle and ring finger.
31. Follow the previous 2 steps for his right arm.

Emma Frost

Body Type (0) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: d
Bust: -40, -70, -33
Shoulder: 0, 75, 0
Abdomen: -30, 10, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 65, 40, 15
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: 0, 25, 55
Feet: 0, 0, 100

Body Height – 5’10’’

Head Morphing
Head: d
Forehead: d

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: 20, 0, 0, 100
Eyes: 10, -31, 10, -22, 0, 0, 27
Nose: 0, 60, -5, -5, 15, 10, 0, 20
Cheeks: d
Mouth: -10, 30, -15, 40, 17, 40, 5
Jaw: 10, 20, 0, -30, -20, -29
Ears: d
1. Body Definition 1
2. Face skin tones 1
3. Eyes 1 [-20x 20y 20s]
4. Eyebrows 2 [85x 15s]
5. Eyelashes 2
6. Lips 1 [Color -100x 10y]
7. Teeth 1
8. Hair 25. [85x -30hs]
9. Make up 1
10. Make up 18 [98x 30a]
11. Change current top to 13.
12. Wrestling attire 4. [-100y 40s]
13. Wrestling tights 16. [-100y 20s]
14. Wristband 1. [-100y -2s]
15. Gloves 2. [-100y 30s]
16. Shoes 33. [-100y 100s]


Body Type (0) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: d
Bust: -40, -70, -33
Shoulder: 0, 75, 0
Abdomen: -30, 10, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 65, 40, 15
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: 0, 25, 55
Feet: 0, 0, 100

Body Height – 5’9’’

Head Morphing
Head: 0, -14, -30
Forehead: -25, 0, -40, 0

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: 20, 0, 0, 100
Eyes: 10, -40, 10, -40, 0, 0, 27
Nose: 0, 60, -5, -33, 15, 10, 0, 30
Cheeks: d
Mouth: -28, -30, -40, 0, 40, 40, 5
Jaw: 0, 10, 0, -55, -45, -29
Ears: d

1. Skin tone 1.
2. Eye 1. [Blue]
3. Eyebrows 2. [Black]
4. Lips 1. [100x 10y]
5. Hair 1. [-100x -100y -17s 100hs]
6. Wrestling attire 8. [-100x 100y -25s]
7. Top 30. [-100x -10y -3s]
8. Wristbands 1. [-100x 100y -30s 60L]
9. Shoes 5. [-100x 0y -25s]
10. Belt 30. [-100x 70y -47s]
11. Hat 21. [-100x 100y 11s]
12. Wristband 18. (Left arm). [-100x 100y -25s]
13. Right left symbol 103. (6 Symbols). Rotate, H-scale up once and V-scale down once. Use 6 of these to form 2 bands around her right thigh, 3 for each band. [-100x 0y 20s]
14. Left leg symbol 103. (3 Symbols). Rotate, H-scale up once. Form a band around her left thigh. [-100x 0y 20s]


Body Type (-30) – Advanced options
Neck: -100, -10, 0
Chest: 15, 0, 30
Shoulder: 100, 100, 0
Abdomen: -50, 14, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 20, 20, 0
Hands: 50, 50, 50
Legs: 0, -15, 0
Feet: 0, 40, 100

Body Height – 6’2’’

Head Morphing
Head: -10, 10, -25
Forehead: -100, -100, 100, 5

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: 60, -100, -100, 100
Eyes: -30, -100, -62, -55, 33, 0, 100
Nose: -100, 100, -100, -100, 100, -25, 0, 100
Cheeks: 15, 100, 0, 0
Mouth: 100, -45, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100
Jaw: -100, 5, -30, 10, 100, -20
Ears: -100, 70, -100, -100

1. Hair 2
2. Skin tone 1. [-100x 100y -15s 100sp]
3. Underwear 1. [-100x 100y 40s]
4. Mask 21. [-100x 100y -10s]
5. Top 3. Skintight, tucked. [-100s 30L]
6. Top 3. Skintight, tucked. [-100x 100y -5s 0L]
7. Torso Accessory 11. [-100x 100y 2s]
8. Torso Accessory 6. [-100y 8s]
9. Move body Accessory 11 below the tops.
10. The next 18 layers will be Torso symbol 103, max scaled and [shade -100].
11. Torso symbol 103, max scaled. Place it as high up as possible on his left pec and side, move it up high enough so that it starts to come out from the bottom. There should be a 1cm gap between this symbol and Torso Accessory 6.
12. Torso symbol 103, max scaled. Move it below and in line with the previous symbol.
13. Torso symbol 103, max scaled. Move it below and in line with previous symbol.

You will see that you need 3 symbols to cover the length of his torso and thigh. Remember to change the shade to [-100].

14. Repeat steps 11 to 14 on his right side.
15. Back symbol 103, max scaled. Place it as high as possible and in-line with the black symbol 103 on the front.
16. Back symbol 103, max scaled. Place it below and in line with the previous symbol.
17. Back symbol 103, max scaled. Place it below and in line with the previous symbol.
18. Repeat steps 15 to 16 for the other side of his back.
19. The remaining 6 Torso symbol 103’s, max scaled are place on his sides to fill in the red gaps, 3 on either side. [-100s]
20. Move Torso Accessory 6 to the front.
21. Torso symbol 103, H-scale and V-scale down once. Move it to his left pec so that half of it rests on his pec without touching Torso Accesory 6. [-100s]
22. Repeat step 21 for his right pec.
23. Wristbands 1. [-100s 8L]
24. Wrestling attire 13. [-100s]
25. Wrestling tights 100[-100x 100y -22s 90L]
26. Belts 1. [90x 35y 10s]
27. Torso symbol 97. Rotate and H-scale down once. Move it into the middle of the belt to form the buckle. [-100s]
28. Torso Lettering, Alphabet 10/18, Full-stop. Max scale and place it in the central left area of the belt buckle. [White]
29. Torso Lettering, Alphabet 10/18, Full-stop. Max scale and place it in the central right area of the belt buckle. [White]
30. Face paint 79. [-100s]
31. Head Symbol 98. V-scale up twice. Move it to the top of his left eye (your right). Place it in line with the face paint. [-100s]
32. Head symbol 8. V-scale up twice and H-scale down once. Rotate and move it down below his left eye (your right), in line with the black face paint. [-100s]
33. Head symbol 97. Max scaled. Move it to the top of his left eye (your right). [-100s]
34. Head symbol 97. Max scaled. Move it to the bottom of his left eye (your right). [-100s]
35. If there are gaps or kinks, fill them up of smooth them out with Head symbol 97. [-100s]
36. Repeat steps 31 to 35 for his right eye.
37. Torso symbol 95. Max H-scale and smallest V-scale. Place it in the middle of the belt buckle. [90x -60y -15s]
38. Left arm symbol 103. V-scale down once and move it onto his hand. [-100s]
39. Right arm symbol 103. V-scale down once and move it onto his hand. [-100s]
40. Left leg symbol 103. V-scale down and H-scale down once. Move it onto his toes. [-100s]
41. Right leg symbol 103. V-scale down and H-scale down once. Move it onto his toes. [-100s]

Dark Phoenix

Body Type (0) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: d
Bust: -40, -70, -33
Shoulder: 0, 75, 0
Abdomen: -30, 10, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 65, 40, 15
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: 0, 25, 55
Feet: 0, 0, 100

Body Height – 5’6’’

Head Morphing
Head: d
Forehead: d

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: 20, 0, 0, 100
Eyes: 10, 2, 10, -15, 0, 0, 27
Nose: 0, 60, -5, -5, 15, 10, 0, 20
Cheeks: d
Mouth: -10, 30, -15, 40, 17, 40, 5
Jaw: 10, 20, 0, -30, -20, -29
Ears: d
1. Body Definition 1
2. Face skin tones 1
3. Eyes 9
4. Eyebrows 2
5. Eyelashes 2
6. Lips 1 [Color -100x 10y]
7. Teeth 1
8. Hair 1. [-100x 18y 100hs]
9. Make up 1
10. Make up 18 [98x 30a]
11. Tops 35. Skin tight, untucked. [-100x -5s 40L]
12. Wrestling tights 16. [-100x -10y -15s]
13. Wristbands 1 [70x 100y -7s]
14. Gloves 2. [72x -6y 30s]
15. Belts 6 [72x 40y 7s]
16. Socks 1 [72x 10y 0s 90L]
17. Right leg symbol 92. Rotate and horizontally scale up once. Move it so that half of it is on the costume while the other half is on the yellow sock. [72x -15y 50s]
18. Left leg symbol 92 . Rotate and horizontally scale up once. Move it so that half of it is on the costume while the other half is on the yellow sock. [72x -15y 50s]
19. Torso symbol 28. H-scale and V-scale up once. Move it up to form the phoenix’s wing. [72x -15y 44s]
20. Torso symbol 93. H-scale it up once and move the top of curve of the heart in line with the butterfly wings [72x -15y 44s]
21. Torso symbol 98. Move it to her left bust (your right). Angle it to cover the butterfly’s lower wing. [-100x -10y 25s]
22. Repeat the above step for the other butterfly wing. Remember to rotate the symbol.
23. Torso symbol 92. Rotate and H-scale down twice. Move it to form phoenix’s tail. [72x -15y 44s]
24Torso lettering. Numeral. Select the first 7. Place it at the top of the heart, forming the phoenix’s head. [72x -7y 12s]


Body Type (-40) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: d
Shoulder: 0, 70, 0
Abdomen: d
Waist: d
Arm: d
Hands: 50, 50, 50
Legs: d
Feet: d
Body Height – 6’0’’

Head Morphing
Head: -17, -25, -4
Forehead: 75, 33, -55, 44

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -20, -17, -100, 73
Eyes: 0, 0, -22, -10, 0, 0, 38
Nose: -10, 40, 0, -7, 6, 37, 17, 14
Cheeks: -30, -20, 0, 0
Mouth: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 54, -100
Jaw: 28, -28, 14, -10, 0, 0
Ears: d

1. Wrestling attire 13. [-100x -10y -46s]
2. Top 3. Skin tight, tucked. [-100x -22y -32s]
3. Gloves 2. [-100x -20y -35s]
4. Shoes 1. [-100x 50y 10s]
5. Belt 1. [-100x 55y 7s]
6. Mask 17. [-100x -5y -38s]
7. Face paint 56. [87x 45y -5s]
8. Mask 12. [-100x 100y -48s]
9. Make-up 11. [-100x 14y 55s 55a]
10. Horns 15. [-100x 100y -25s]
11. Torso Lettering. Alphabet 13/8 “D”. H-scale and V-scale up once. Place it on his right pec. (your left). Refer to the picture. [Red]
12. Torso Lettering. Alphabet 13/8 “D”. H-scale and V-scale up once. Place it on his left pec. (your left). Refer to the the picture, the 2 D’s should meet at his sternum. [Red]
13. Facial Hair Template. [4a]



Body Type (-55) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: 30, 0, 16
Shoulder: 20, 100, 0
Abdomen: -65, 8, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 60, 45, 10
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: 25, 0, 0
Feet: d

Body Height – 6’3’’

Head Morphing
Head: -25, -5, -15
Forehead: d

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -100, -30, -100, 56
Eyes: 5, -55, 15, -100, -5, 100, 100
Nose: 0, 100, -30, -50, 0, 0, 0, 0
Cheeks: 0, 100, 0, 0
Mouth: -100, -100, -20, 0, -45, -30, -100
Jaw: 34, 12, 20, 10, 30, 0
Ears: -100, 10, 62, -100

1. Remember this colour. Cyclops Yellow [C Yel] = [72x 100y 45s].
2. Hair 18. [87x 15y -6s]
3. Mask 21. [-18x 100y -20s]
4. Mask 17. [-18x 100y -20s]
5. Face paint 56. [87x 45y 4s]
6. Face paint 73. [90x 9y 44s 40a]
7. (Template) facial hair 16. [-100y -100s 10a]
8. Wrestling attire 13. [-18x 100y -15s]
9. Tops 3. Skin tight, untucked. [-18x 28y 90L]
10. Underwear 4. [72x 100y 15s]
11. Gloves 2. [72x 0y 25s]
12. Shoes 7. [72x 0y 5s]
13. Hair 20. Style 2. [-8s]
14. Head symbol 103. Max scaled and rotate. Use 6 of these to form his visor. [C Yel]
15. Head symbol 103. Rotate and H-scale up once. Use 2 of these to form the red ruby quartz visor. [100x 100y 20s]
16. Torso symbol 103. Rotate, max H-scale and V-scale to smallest. Use 6 of these to form his belt. [C Yel]
17. Torso symbol 103. Smallest size and rotate. Move it into the middle of the belt. [100x 100y 20s]
18. Torso symbol 103. Max V-scale and smallest H-scale. Use 2 of these to form the suspender strap on the left side of his torso (your right). [C Yel]
19. Back symbol 103. Max V-scale and smallest H-scale. Use 2 of these to form the suspender strap on the left side of his back (your left). Join it with the yellow strap on the front. [C Yel]
20. Torso symbol 103. Smallest size. Place it on his right collar bone, nearer to his right arm (your left). [C Yel]
21. Back symbol 103. Smallest size. Join it to the strap on the front. [C Yel]
22. Torso symbol 97. H-scale up and V-scale down once. Move it onto his left pec (your right). [C Yel]
23. Torso symbol 100. Use 2 of these to join the yellow strap on his right collar bone to the yellow circle on his left pec. [C Yel]
24. Back symbol 100. Use 2 of these to join the straps on his back. [C Yel]
25. Torso symbol 97. Rotate and H-scale down twice. Move it into the yellow circle. [100x 100y 20s]
26.Torso lettering Alphabet 14/18 “o”. Rotate, H-scale and V-scale up once. Move it around the red circle. [-100s]
27. Torso lettering Alphabet 14/18 “x”. H-scale up once and move it into the red circle. [-100s]
28. Torso lettering Alphabet 13/18 “X”. Rotate, V-scale down and H-scale up once. Move it into the red belt buckle. [-100s]
29. 2x Torso lettering Alphabet 13/18 “I”. Rotate and move it down to form the horizontal black borders of the belt buckle. [-100s]
30. 2x Torso lettering Alphabet 13/18 “I”. V-scale down once and move it down to the form the black vertical borders of the red belt buckle. [-100s]
31. Right leg symbol 103. Rotate and V-scale to smallest, H-scale to max. Move it slightly above the knee. [C Yel] You need 3 of these to go around his leg.
32. Left leg symbol 103. Rotate and V-scale to smallest, H-scale to max. Move it slightly above the knee. [C Yel] You need 3 of these to go around his leg.


Body Type (-100) – Advanced options
Neck: d
Chest: 0, 0, 30
Shoulder: 100, 100, 0
Abdomen: -35, 4, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 60, 14, 0
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: d
Feet: d
Body Height – 6’8’’

Head Morphing
Head: d
Forehead: d

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -42, 7, 0, 100
Eyes: 0, -4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36
Nose: -75, 29, -20, -40, 40, 13, 32, 56
Cheeks: d
Mouth: 100, -5, 0, -15, -60, -55, -100
Jaw: 0, 100, 20, 39, 100, 11
Ears: d

1. Skin tone 12. [-100y -32s 100sp]
2. Eye 9. [-100y -12s]
3. Eyebrows 15. [-100y 0s]
4. Lips 1. [-100y -29s]
5. Hair 14.
6. Underwear 5. [-100x 100y -36s]
7. Wristbands 1. [-100x 100y -45s 25L]
8. Shoes 1. [-100x 100y 18s]
9. Socks 1. [-100x 100y -60s 62L]
10. Kneepads 15. [72x 100y 100s]
11. Move the Socks over the Kneepads.
12. Top 3. Skin tight, untucked. [72x 100y 100s 0L]
13. Top 5. Skin tight, untucked. [-100x 100y -7s 14L]

Remember the following colours:
[C Yellow] = [72x 100y 60s]
[C Grey] = [-100y]
[B Yellow] = [72x 100y 40s]
[B Red] = [-100x 100y]

14. Torso symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Move it to his neck as high possible without it appearing on his thighs. [C Yellow]
15. Back symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Move it to his neck as high as possible without it appearing on his thighs. [C Yellow]
16. Torso symbol 104. V-scale up twice. Join it to the yellow rectangle. [C Yellow]
17. Torso symbol 104. V-scale up twice and rotate. Move it to join the yellow mass, forming a big triangle. [C Yellow]
18. Torso symbol 103. V-scale up once. Move it down below the imaginary line made by the top of his wristbands.
19. Repeat steps 16 to 18 for his back. [C Yellow]

20. Torso symbol 104. H-scale down once and V-scale up twice. Move it to his left armpit (your right). Make sure that the red on his chest is in-line with the red on the shoulder. [C Grey]
21. Torso symbol 104. H-scale down once, V-scale up once and rotate. Move it to his left armpit. [C Grey]
22. Torso symbol 103. Max scale. [C Grey] Use 4 of these to turn his sides grey. If you place the symbols nearer his back, they will angle nicely to his body shape. Also note that you do not need to worry about aligning the bottom side of these 4 symbols as the belt will cover them.

23. Torso symbol 103. (8 symbols). Rotate and H-scale up once. Use as many of these to form a yellow belt around his waist, I used 6-8 of these. [B Yellow] Note that this is a darker shade of yellow to give the belt contrast.
24. Torso symbol 103. Rotate and H-scale down once. Move it into the middle of the belt to form a buckle. [B Red]
25. Torso symbol 103. (6 symbols). Rotate, H-scale up once and V-scale down once. Move it into the horizontal middle of the belt, outside of the belt buckle to form a thick red line within the belt. You will need 5 to 6 of these symbols. [B Red]

26. Now to draw the X logo in his belt buckle. Basically you will only use Torso Lettering, Alphabet 14/18, “I” and “X”. For your convenience, I will refer to the different sides of the belt buckle as North, East etc. These are all [Black]
27. North and South. (4 Letters total) Use 2 of “I” to form either border. Rotate, H-scale up and V-scale up once.
28. East and West. (2 Letters total). Use “I” to form either border. H-scale and V-scale up once.
29. For the X logo, use “X”. Max scale and if doesn’t fit… You’re on your own cause’ I can’t remember. It is one H-scale or V-scale off max if I remember correctly, and you might have to rotate it.


This CAW was created by me for WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 on the Xbox360. It is based on FlamedLiquid’s Carnage from SVR2007; while I did not use his formula, I duly credit him for the idea.

Body Type (-20) – Advanced options
Neck: -80, -15, 0
Chest: 0, -100, -15
Shoulder: 0, 40, -80
Abdomen: -80, -30, -20
Waist: -48, -40
Arm: 100, -40, -40
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: -70, -40, -25
Feet: 20, 60, 100

Body Height – 6’1’’

Head Morphing
Head: -40, -70, -100
Forehead: d

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -100, 100, -100, 100
Eyes: All 100
Nose: -100, 100, -100, -100, -100, 100, -7, 100
Cheeks: 65, 100, -100, -100
Mouth: -100, -100, 11, -100, -100, -100, 100
Jaw: 10, -70, -60, 30, 0, -100
Ears: -100, 60, -100, -100

1. Skin tone 12. [-100x 40y -30s -100sp]
2. Hair 2.
3. Mask 17. Pattern 9. [-100x 100y -44s]
4. Mask 21. Pattern 9. [-100x 100y -44s]
5. Underwear 4. Pattern 12. [-82x 100y -31s]
6. Gloves 13. Pattern 9. [-100x 100y -50s]

Face (Make sure you have completed the face morphing):
7. Head symbol 18. Rotate and V-scale up twice. Place it on his right (your left) eyebrow. [White]
8. Head symbol 18. Rotate and V-scale up twice. Place it on his right eye, connected to the previous symbol. [White]
9. Head symbol 18. Rotate 3 times and V-scale up twice. Place it on his left (your right) eyebrow. [White]
10. Head symbol 18. Rotate 3 times and V-scale up twice. Place it on his left eye. [White]
11. Head symbol 18. Rotate and max scale. Place it on the left side (your right) of his mouth. It should rest between his mouth and nose. [Pink]
12. Head symbol 18. Rotate 3 times and max scale. Place it on the right side (your left) of his mouth. Join it to the previous symbol. [Pink]

Your will notice that you have a crapload of layers left, 54 to be exact. These are all Symbol 7, max scaled and [-100s].

13. There is no possible way for me to tell you where or how to place these 54 symbols. I can however give you guidance and rules of placing these symbols, but then again, it is mostly up to you. You have 6 areas to place these symbols. So it is a good rule to use no more than 9 symbols for his:

- Torso
- Back
- Left Arm
- Right Arm
- Left Leg
- Right Leg

14. When placing these symbols, it’s essential that you rotate the symbols alternatively to get a variation in pattern.