Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Body Type (-70) – Advanced options
Neck: -100, 50, 100
Chest: 16, 14, 60
Shoulder: 100, 100, 100
Abdomen: -50, 0, 0
Waist: 0, 0
Arm: 100, 25, 30
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: -45, 0, 13
Feet: 4, 13, 65
Skin tone 1 – [72x 50y 0s 100sp]
Body Height – 6’4’’
Hair 2
Head Morphing
Head: 0, 38, -44
Forehead: -100, -100, -100, 85
Face Morphing
Eyebrows: 0, 0, -100, 100
Eyes: 100, -100, 100, 0, 40, 100, 53
Nose: -100, 45, -39, -100, 100, -19, 45, -100
Cheeks: d
Mouth: 100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -47
Jaw: 48, -84, -10, 45, 100, 0
Ears: -71, 0, -100, -5
1. Underwear 4. [-100x -29y -45s]
2. Wristbands 1. [-100x 11y -52s 50L]
3. Mask 17. [-100x -5y -44s]
4. Mask 22. [-100x -5y -44s]
5. Face paint 56. [-100x 73y -34s]
6. Elbow pad 5. [-100x -5y -37s]
7. Socks 1. [-100x 100y -66s 56L]
8. Knee pads 12. [-100x -38s]
9. Shoes 4. [-100x -30y -45s]
10. Tops 3. Skin tight tucked. [-100x -29y -37s 23L]
12. Edit the base underwear and change it to underwear 2.
13. Torso accessories 11. [-100x 10y -20s]
14. Gloves 3. [-100x 100y -50s]Remember this colour [72x 100y 30s], I will refer to it as [Yel]
15. Head symbol 97. H-scale down twice and move it into his right ear. [Yel]
16. Head symbol 97. H-scale down twice and move it into his left ear. [Yel]
17. Head symbol 104. Max scale. Move it to his left eye (your right). The bottom end (west) should rest on the bridge of his nose and the top end (north) should touch the hemline of the mask. [Yel]
18. Head symbol 104. Max scale. Move it to join and extend the previous symbol. Ensure that the outer perimeter of the yellow mass (east) is parallel. [Yel]
19. Head symbol 104. Max scale and rotate. Move it to his right eye (your left), it should form a Y-shape with the yellow symbol on his left eye (your right) [Yel]
20. Head symbol 104. Max scale and rotate. Extend the yellow on his right eye (your left). [Yel]21. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it onto the bridge of his nose, it should be high enough to “flatten” the sharp Y-shape angle.
22. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it to his left cheek, do no place it past his cheek bone. The inner side of this symbol should sit on the bridge of his nose. [Yel]
23. Head symbol 103. Max scale. Move it to his right cheek, join it to the previous symbol, ensuring that there is no red gap in between. [Yel]
24. Head symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Use this to cover the gap between his eyes and nose. [Yel]
25. Head symbol 103. Rotate and V-scale down once. Move it into his mouth. [Black]
26. Head symbol 103. Rotate and move this down under his mouth leaving a gap of about 2 cm. [-100x -33y 2s]
27. Make-up 19. [-100s]
28. Make-up 7. [-100s]
29. Head symbol 103. Smallest scale and rotate. Move it into the middle of the right eye. [White]
30. Head symbol 103. Smallest scale and rotate. Move it into the middle of the left eye. [White]
31. Torso symbol 104. Max scale and move it to his left armpit (your right), it should be in line with his pec. [Yel]
32. Torso symbol 104. Max scale and rotate. Move it to his right armpit.
33. Back symbol 104. Max scale and move it to his right back, try to place it in line with the torso accessory. [Yel]
34. Back symbol 104. Max scale and rotate. Move it to his left back.
35. Back symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Move it down to his left side without going past the underwear; it should fit nicely between the detailed areas of the torso accessory. [Yellow]
36. Back symbol 103. Max scale and rotate. Move it to down his right side. [Yel].
37. Torso symbol 92. V-scale up once and move it up into the triangle from the torso accessory. The upper half of the symbol should go into his neck forming a diamond. [Yel]
38. Head symbol 92. [Yel]
39. Head symbol 103. Rotate and resize anyway possible such that it is big enough to cover the upper half of the previous symbol. [-100x -45y 12s]
40. Head symbol 96. Smallest scale and move it to extend the mouth on his right cheek (your left). [-100s]
41. Head symbol 96. Smallest scale and rotate. Move it to extend the mouth on his left cheek (your right). [-100s]

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