Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Body Type (-60) – Advanced options
Neck: -100, 25, 100
Chest: 60, -20, 52
Shoulder: 100, 100, 0
Abdomen: -35, 12, 0
Waist: d
Arm: 100, 40, 20
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: 10, -10, 10
Feet: 0, 0, 100

Body Height – 6’6’’

Head Morphing
Head: -45, -15, -15
Forehead: 0, -100, 100, -25

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -100, 100, -100, 23
Eyes: 45, -18, 77, -100, 0, 100, 49
Nose: -45, -51, -55, -65, 57, 0, 57, 35
Cheeks: -50, -98, 5, 25
Mouth: 90, -92, 40, 10, -100, -100, -100
Jaw: 10, -67, 18, 100, 100, 70
Ears: -100, 23, -100, -100
1. Body definition 8. [-100sp]
2. Hair 8. [75x 20y 10s]
3. Eye 9
4. Mask 17. [90x 36y -67s]
5. Face paint 56. [87x 40y 5s]
6. Face paint 73. [88x -3y 37s]
7. Sideburns 16. [80x 20y 30s]
8. Sideburns 9. [80x 20y 30s]
9. Facial hair (Templates) 18. [80x 20y 30s 25a]
10. Other headwear 24. [90x 89y -6s]
11. Head symbol 103. (2 symbols). V-scale down once and use them to form both his eyebrows. [75x 20s]
12. Underwear 29. [90x -40y -52s]
13. Tops 3. Skin tight, tucked. [90x -40y -55s]
14. Head symbol 92. Rotate and max scale. Place it in between his eyebrows and halfway into the headwear other. [90x -45y -15s]
15. Right leg symbol 103. V-scale down once and move it down to his toes. [S brown]
16. Left leg symbol 103. V-scale down once and move it down to his toes. [S brown]
17. Remember these colours:
[S yellow] = [80x -35y 20a]
[S brown] = [90x -45y -15s]

Outline (All symbols 103) [S yellow]
18 Torso symbols to turn his costume mostly [S yellow]
4 Right arm symbols to turn his arm mostly [S yellow]
4 Left arm symbols to turn his arm mostly [S yellow]
2 Right leg symbols to turn his right leg [S yellow]
2 Left leg symbols to turn his left leg [S yellow]

Stripes (All symbols 92) [S brown]
6 Torso symbols
2 Right arm symbols
2 Left arm symbols

Outline (All symbol 103, max scaled) [S yellow]
1. The best thing to do is refer to the pictures provided.
2. Since his torso is totally brown, you need 18 of these max scaled symbols.
3. Place 9 on each side of his torso and back, imagine a square. Do not worry about brown from the underwear, it will be addressed later. Leave a brown strip down the middle of his torso and back.
4. Next you need to work on the arms. Once again, max scale it and place it on his inner arms, imagine a square. The [S yellow] should no go past his waist level. Make sure the yellow is inline with the torso yellow.
5. Now you need to cover up the brown on his thighs. Use 2 Leg symbol 103 max scaled and ROTATED (do not rotate the other symbols on the torso and arms) on each leg.

Stripes (All symbol 92) [S brown]
1. Torso symbol 92. (6 symbols). Rotate, H-scale to max and V-scale to smallest. Use these 6 symbols to form the stripes on his hips and thighs. [S brown]
2. Right arm symbol 92. (2 symbols). Rotate and place it on his bicep such that half of it protrudes from the brown mass into the yellow area. [S brown]. Repeat this for the back of his arm.
3. Left arm symbol 92. (2 symbols). Repeat the previous step for his left arm. [S brown]

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