Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Body Type (-100) – Advanced options
Neck: -100, 100, 100
Chest: 10, 10, 45
Shoulder: 100, 100, 35
Abdomen: 40, 35, 0
Waist: 25, 25
Arm: 100, 20, 20
Hands: 100, 100, 100
Legs: -30, -15, 34
Feet: 0, 11, 100

Skin tone – 1 [Shade -100]

Body Height – 6’2’’

Head Morphing
Head: 100, 50, -20
Forehead: 0, 0, 0, 0

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -100, 100, -100, 100
Eyes: All 100
Nose: -100, 100, 100, -100, 100, 100, 100, -100
Cheeks: 0, 0, 0, 0
Mouth: -100, -100, -15, 0, -100, -100, 100
Jaw: 100, -40, 9, 100, 100, 100
Ears: 100, 54, -100, -100

1. Hair 2
2. Mask 21. [-100s]
3. Mask design 39. [-100s]
4. Mask design 48.
5. Face paint 97. [-100s]
6. Face Paint 107. [-100s]
7. Head symbol 98. H-scale and V-scale up once and move it over the left side of his mouth (your right). [-100s]
8. Head symbol 98. H-scale, V-scale up once and rotate. Move it over the right side of his mouth (your left). [-100s]
9. Head symbol 97. Max scale and move it down to the middle top portion of his mouth. [-100s]
10. Head symbol 103. Any size. Use 3 of these to cover all red-pink face paint, excluding the mouth. [-100s]
11. Make up 1. Biggest style. [-100y 100s]
12. Face paint 79. [-100y 100s]

For all of the remaining head symbols, use [-100y 60s].
13. Head symbol 98. H-scale down once and V-scale up twice. Move it into his right eye (your left). Angle it inwards at the outer end of his right eye.
14. Head symbol 98. H-scale down once, V-scale up twice and rotate. Move it into his left eye (your right).
15. Head symbol 98. H-scale down twice and V-scale up once. Move it into his right eye (your left), place it at the nose-end of his eye.
16. Head symbol 98. H-scale down twice, V-scale up once and rotate. Move it into his left eye (your right).
17. Head symbol 98. H-scale down once and V-scale up once. Move it into his left eye (your right). Place it in between the 2 symbols there to give his eye more volume and shape.
18. Head symbol 98. H-scale down once, V-scale up once and rotate. Move it into his right eye (your left).
19. Right hand symbol 103. V-scale down once and move it onto his backhand. [White]
20. Left hand symbol 103. V-scale down once and move it onto his backhand. [White]
21. Torso symbol 97. Place it in the middle of his chest, centered on his sternum. [White]
22. Torso symbol 103. V-scale and H-scale down once. Move it to the top of symbol 97 to form the spider’s mouth. [-100s]
23. Torso symbol 97. H-scale up once and V-scale up once. Move it below, but intersecting the smaller symbol 97. This forms the left half of the spider’s thorax.
24. Torso symbol 97. H-scale up once and V-scale up once. Move it below, but intersecting the smaller symbol 97. This forms the right half of the spider’s thorax.
25. Torso symbol 103. V-scale down once and move it down to the bottom of the spider’s thorax. [-100s]

I will describe how to make 1 side of 4 of the spider’s legs. You will have to repeat steps 26 to 33, remembering to rotate the correct symbols (all except symbol 99). Use [White] for all.
26. Torso symbol 100. V-scale down once. Move it to the left pec (your right), place it at a 90 degrees angle with the spider’s fang. {Spider leg 1}
27. Torso symbol 100. V-scale down once. Rotate connect it to the previous symbol. {Spider leg 1}
28. Torso symbol 100. V-scale down once. Place it below leg 1. {Spider leg 2}
29. Torso symbol 100. V-scale down once. Join it to the previous symbol. {Spider leg 2}
30. Torso symbol 99. V-scale, H-scale down once and rotate. Place it below leg 2. {Spider leg 3}
31. Torso symbol 100. V-scale down once and rotate. Join it to the previous symbol. {Spider 3}
32. Torso symbol 100. V-scale, H-scale down once and rotate. Move it below leg 3. {Spider leg 4}
33. Torso symbol 98. H-scale down once and rotate. Join it to the previous symbol. {Spider leg 4}
34. Repeat steps 26 to 33, rotating all symbols except 99.
35. After completing the front logo, you should be at 50+ layers. Obviously you can’t do the same for the back. So you can choose to make a spider with 6 legs like that on the front or opt for the easier option of:
36. Back symbol 26. Max scaled. [White]

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